Monday 23 May 2011


Given that there is as much flak flying around about superinjunctions as there is dust in the Sahara, the time may have come for another post with a legal tone.  Superinjunctions were never meant to be permanent tools (unlike most of those who invoke their protection).  They are supposed to be temporary relief measures.  The aim is to secure information for short periods of time, with that confidentiality being carefully balanced against the need to have an open and public system of justice.

Judges are not infallible.  Perhaps they have been too quick to grant protection to the undeserving.  But it's not all about footballers playing away. 

We're back to free speech - a vexed question.  So obviously a good thing, and yet freedom of speech must be exercised responsibly.  Actions have consequences.  Peddling plain untruths - as we see happening in the States, with the Obama birth certificate nonsense a prime example - should be actively discouraged.  We saw some of that over 'ere during the AV campaign, too.

However, exposing a sexual dalliance is not always OK - why should it be?  It may however be OK sometimes - especially if hypocrisy is exposed by the disclosure.  How can anyone seek to impose rules of behaviour on others - moral or social - if such rules manifestly cannot be complied with by those seeking to impose or uphold them?         

Privacy and freedom of speech are not necessarily compatible.  This makes for a good Venn diagram argument.  How large is your overlap?  Does freedom of speech trump privacy every time?  Should it? 

Good Lord.  We are almost being deep.  We now wade back into the shallows, with a pina colada safely in hand, watching a long stream of our handsome lovers doing the conga on the beach. 

Love, M&Tx               

Thursday 19 May 2011

Reading, reading, and bookshop!

Tonight we proudly read at the Ritzy in Brixton - and on 15 June 2011 we are reading at the Albion pub in Barnsbury, Islington, at 7 pm.  Come on over!  You can also pick up Big Ben the book at Prowler, a fabulous and fun store in deepest Soho.  The summer is coming and it's definitely time to pick up a read for the beach.  "If not now, when?" as we always exclaim when passing a cake shop.

Love, M&T x      

Friday 6 May 2011

Police in action

Don't you love a police horse?  Chosen for size - so huge, lustrous beasts, with velvety noses the size of Dawn French.  Anyway they do clip clop around and not just at football matches - but I'd never seen them do anything.  Until yesterday.

Two big beasts appear and plod along the street, straddled by creatures in high visibility jackets.  Lovely chestnut coats surmounted by neon yellow - eeek.  Like a bad trip.  A pink cyclist is tootling down the other way.  The horses both stop.  One of the riders extends a languid arm.  "Stop" he says. 

The cyclist looks up in complete surprise. 

"One way street", says the policemna, finally, as if wakening from a long sleep. 

The cyclist giggles - incredulity blended with nerves.  We the passerbys boil with righteous indignation at the heinousness of her crime.  Pray note that that's not altogether sarcastic.  Cyclists that ignore the highway code are, simply, arseholes.  But that's a pedestrian perspective.

"I'll dismount and walk" she offers, finally.  Which she does, in haste and very quickly, head down. 

That's right, Pinkie.  Walk of shame.

So much to be said for zero tolerance. 

Love, M&T xx           

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Royal Wedding weekend is over...

... but the net chatter continues. One of my favourites is the Facebook fan page for "Princess Beatrice's ridiculous Royal Wedding hat" with over 127,000 fans so far. Of all the musings, catty comments and plain pointless blether, one Gregory Earls did make me laugh mightily as he managed to combine two of the unlikeliest structures known to man that have not featured on Discovery's "Megastructures" show.

In a surprising turn of events, it was announced today that a joint military British and US exercise is under way to secure Princess Beatrice's hat and breed it in captivity with Donald Trump's hair. Raytheon Researchers surmise that the resulting offspring not only serve as protective combat head gear, but would also serve as an extremely virulent weaponized coiffure capable of confusing and killing enemies from great distances..

Lots of love
M&T x