Monday 17 October 2011

Dear Mark Rylance

Yes, yes, yes I did recognise you in the restaurant and I did think I should have made it known.  I would have thought that a respected actor might well appreciate being definitively recognised by nice strangers (we are such strangers) but that they would also be desirous for said strangers - whilst making it very clear that they recognise the actor - not to impede any further on their dinner, conversation, or any other part of the space in which the actor is evolving. 

The problem is: how do you achieve this acknowledgment, yet uphold the ensuing necessary discretion, with the elegance of a retired ballet dancer?  With most people there are only two initial settings in eye contact/body language.  These are either: "I know you" or "I don't know you".  Mark Rylance, an actor of your status could no doubt convey with an arched eyebrow the full text of "I know you and I like your work and I am really looking forward to seeing Jerusalem on 13 January 2012 - please do not suddenely lose your voice or break a leg on the 12th - but if you did that would be frankly typical of my luck - I mean Derek Jacobi lost his voice on the day we were supposed to be seeing his myth-making King Lear - and it was cancelled - which led to the mother of all hangovers the next day as, instead of watching a play we drank a couple of barrels of wine instead - you'd have thought we'd know better at our age but we never learn, Mark Rylance.  We never learn.  So we plough on, regardless.  Keep up the good work and we will see you in the new year, whilst respecting your privacy in the here and now.  But hey.  We know you.  We certainly know you and the pork pie hat was a helpful reminder, should one of our contact lenses have fallen out of our otherwise perky eyes.  We just don't know how to communicate that without words."  

Really.  It is not cool for non-famous people to approach famous people.  So Mark Rylance, next time we meet, nod your head, doff your hat, and then I can smile and wave at you with ease.  But unless you give me the sign, you will be saved from meeting the plebian that is either of us.  Which will have its upsides!   

Love, M&T xxx  

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