Saturday 19 March 2011

Fantastic Mr or Ms Fox

For those in London - isn't it a beautiful day?  The sun is streaming through the windows and warming the pavements. 

We have a garden, where we frequently go for one of us to have a fag and the other to plot world domination.  It's not a big place - just a patch of stone with beds around the side - but it's a good spot.  A fox shares this view as he has set up home at the end of it.  There is a big dark tunnel at the end to one side, where he or she lives.  Occasionally we run into each other and the fox always looks mildly indignant that we are imposing on it. 

There has been a development.  This morning I saw a neat grey minibus with "Fox Transport" on it, and a small silhouette of a fox on the side.  I have a horrible feeling our ginger friend has set up a business locally.  It's a breach of all covenants of use on the property.  I also have visions of being left helpless as the fox becomes the Norbert Dentressangle of North London.  Next time I look out, I fully expect a small business centre to have sprung up, teeming with industrious wildlife. 

M&T x     

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