Monday 28 March 2011


Cold in Berlin this weekend - brrr.  Cold, but bright sunshine

We were turned away from a club!  Very funny.  The fifteen year old at the front desk allowed one of us in (me, of course, being a lady, with a lady's name) but only because she thought that I was "with Mario".  Mario was standing right behind me and he had an afro.  He looked really nice but we were both slightly perplexed at our sudden association.

When she realised that I was not with Mario she looked horrified, but stroked my arm and gestured me inside.  That was when I had to come clean.  "Nein, ich habe freunden" I mumbled slightly helplessly.  How many, she asked.  "Sieben".  "SIEBEN!!!" 

Oh my.  Seven people all at once.  She was struck helpless by this concept.  She shook her head with great sadness. "Es tut mir leid, es tut mir leid..."  Ich auch, sweetie.

So off we headed to another venue which was on the verge of turning us away when inspiration struck.  Just like at school.  "You can't turn us away.  It's her birthday."  A big doorful of a man looked relatively unmoved, but was curious enough to ask: "Do you have ID, to show this?" 

No ID - but - ta-daaaa!  We whipped the freshly opened birthday card poking out of S's handbag out into the open and waved it triumphantly in his face, like a small squadron of Hercule Poirots.  "Why would she have this to hand, if it wasn't her birthday?"

He let us in. 

O frabjous day.


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