Tuesday 15 March 2011

Lipstick and your dollar

Lipstick sales go up in a recession.  Or is it because people like us read that and obediently trot out to buy lippy, in a self-fulfilling bee-kissed prophecy?  I ran out of the shade I adventure to wear, so I braved the ladies in department stores spraying one with unforeseen subtances to get to the (Chanel) counter.

Why, of course Chanel.  Do you think I am a cheap panic buyer? 

This is what occurred.  The all powerful woman wizard on the Chanel counter stared at my small lipstick and said "Where did you get that?"

Dunno.  It's - er - Chanel and it says - er - Chanel.

"I have never seen this" she says.

OK.  That's a good start.  Bless her - she did try - garlanding her hand with every shade on offer.  Finally, we hit on a shade that is almost - but not quite - there.  She paints my lips in religious silence.  It's all bright red and looks a bit silly at 12:30 noon.  I try to please and say - "Fine.  I'll grab one of these as a tide over."

Oh no I won't.  She looks at me, and kindly says: "It's out of stock."

I leave you with the thought that nude lips may soon be in.

Love, M&T x           

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