Friday 15 April 2011

Long live live music

This week has been a long one.  But there have been some highlights.  Managed to go to a gig in a local pub on Wednesday.  It was absolutely excellent.  Talented people playing good - even brilliant - songs.  There was a crowd but people weren't packed in like sardines.  London offers so much of this kind of stuff.  Maybe we do take it too much for granted.

Live music is outstanding.  Hearing people sing their songs, stop, start, crack a joke, explain something, set a song in context - you can't beat it.  Being able to tell them that they are good face to face.  Not that they need us to tell them that.

I don't like big arena venues.  On Wednesday it felt as perfect a live music session as I've been to in a while.  We need to make sure there is money around to allow good people to do this.


M&T xxx                        

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